In the world of artificial intelligence, the Turing Test has long been the benchmark to determine whether a machine can think and communicate indistinguishably from a human. But what if we flipped the test? Instead of humans evaluating whether they’re speaking to an AI, what if AI was tasked with identifying whether its conversation partner is human?

That’s the question I recently posed to ChatGPT, using the new Strawberry Beta version, which has enhanced reasoning capabilities. The results of this interaction reveal something fascinating: reasoning and thought processes are bringing AI one step closer to what we might call intelligence.

The Reverse Turing Test: How Would It Work?

If we reversed the Turing Test, the AI would have to ask questions that help it determine whether its partner possesses traits that only a human can have—things like emotions, creativity, or personal experiences. These qualities, deeply rooted in subjective experiences, are notoriously difficult for AI to replicate authentically.

I asked ChatGPT to reflect on this idea and to come up with a few questions it might ask to determine if someone is human. Here are the questions it came up with, alongside example answers that a human might give.

Questions to Differentiate Humans from AI

  1. Can you share a personal experience that changed your life? Human answer: “Traveling alone to another country was life-changing for me. It broadened my perspective, made me more independent, and taught me to embrace new cultures and ideas.”
  2. How do you feel when you listen to your favorite music, and why is it your favorite? Human answer: “When I listen to my favorite music, I feel a deep sense of joy and nostalgia. It reminds me of special moments and gives me the energy to keep going.”
  3. How would you describe creativity, and what does it mean to you personally? Human answer: “Creativity, for me, is the ability to come up with something new and unique. It’s a way for me to express myself and helps me understand and share my thoughts and feelings.”
  4. Can you share an original poem or story that you’ve written? Human answer:
   In silent nights, the wind does sing,  
   Tales of old, softly it brings.  
   Stars twinkle like eyes so bright,  
   Dreams weave gently into the night.
  1. What does friendship mean to you, and how has it affected your life? Human answer: “Friendship, to me, means mutual understanding, support, and shared experiences. My friends have helped me through tough times and enriched my life with laughter and adventure.”

The Importance of Reasoning

At first glance, these questions seem simple, focusing on human emotions, personal stories, and creative expression. Yet, beneath the surface, there’s something much more sophisticated happening: the AI is showing reasoning ability. It’s no longer just generating text—it’s building a train of thought, thinking through how it would detect human traits that it lacks.

ChatGPT’s response shows an emerging capability to “think through” tasks rather than just provide isolated answers. For example, it identifies the importance of emotions and subjective experiences, then crafts questions that could expose whether the conversation partner has those qualities.

Why This Matters

The ability of AI to reason is critical because reasoning is a hallmark of intelligence. It’s not just about answering factual questions or holding a conversation; it’s about understanding context, forming a logical flow of thought, and making decisions based on that understanding. With reasoning capabilities, AI can begin to simulate not just intelligence, but a kind of thoughtful interaction that gets closer to how we think as humans.

Of course, we are still far from creating an AI that fully understands the world as we do. But the Strawberry Beta version of ChatGPT shows that we’re making progress in one of the most crucial aspects of AI development: the ability to reason. This is the leap from being a tool that responds to prompts to a potential entity that thinks through problems in a human-like way.

What’s Next?

The real question now is: how far can this reasoning capability go? Could AI one day ask even more nuanced questions, identify human traits in more complex ways, or even reason through its own existence? We’re not there yet, but every new iteration brings us closer to a more intelligent AI, one that might one day pass not just a Turing Test—but a reversed one as well.

In the meantime, AI’s growing ability to reason gives us a glimpse of the future. And it’s a future where the line between human intelligence and artificial intelligence may blur more than ever before.

Conclusion: A Step Closer to Intelligence

The reversed Turing Test concept brings a fascinating twist to how we think about AI’s progress. While it may seem far-fetched, AI like ChatGPT is already showing early signs of reasoning, something that brings us one step closer to creating truly intelligent systems. The ability to reason, connect thoughts, and reflect on human experience could be the key that transforms AI from a useful tool into something much more profound.